The tooth fairy: a fairy that every household with little ones is well-acquainted with.
Whether you are new to the world of fairies or are a loyal fan, there’s a fairy that every household with little ones is well-acquainted with. The tooth fairy.
As parents we know how difficult it can be to get the littlies to brush their teeth. Which is where the tooth fairy comes in! A gentle reminder than the tooth fairy is looking forward to adding some milky white teeth to her collection (what does she do with all those teeth, anyway?!) may be just the incentive for the minis to brush and floss without fuss!
As well as being a helpful parenting tool, the tooth fairy creates excitement around toothy milestones. Writing a letter to the tooth fairy is a tradition that we at My Wee Fairy Door love to celebrate which is why we absolutely adore our Tooth Fairy Set. Complete with a fairy door of your choice, fairy dust and stencil, mailbox, envelopes, and a toothbrush set – your little ones will just love writing special notes to the tooth fairy to pop in their mailbox. Or for those who've already a fairy door, the Tooth Fairy Accessory Set has everything minus the door!
The mailbox is the perfect size to deposit a little letter and milk tooth in, ready for the tooth fairy to collect whilst dreams are being dreamt. Remember to swap the tooth for a gold coin by morning to avoid explaining why the tooth fairy must have been too busy collecting other children’s lost teeth to get round all the houses...we’ve all done it!
For more parenting tool tips using fairy doors, click here.